It's time for delicious Frites. After months of development and optimization of our Frites, the time has come. The Frites Atelier Frites are available at wholesale. Watch the videos below for Sergio's essential instructions.
Frozen Frites
Preparation of frozen Frites in steps:
1. Bake the frozen Frites for 2.15 minutes at 175C.
2. Shake the basket well above the oil for 10 seconds to loosen the Frites.
3. Bake the Frites for another 2.15 minutes at 175C.
Watch the video, Sergio is happy to explain the best preparation for frozen Frites.
Preparing defrosted Frites in steps:
1. Defrost the Frites in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
2. Bake the 24 hour thawed and dried Frites for 2.15 minutes at 175C.
3. Shake the basket well above the oil for 10 seconds to loosen the Frites.
4. Bake the Frites for another 2.15 minutes at 175C.
Watch the video, Sergio is happy to explain the best preparation for defrosted Frites.