50 Frites Specials and counting

50 Frites Specials and counting

50 Frites Specials and counting.

Today, more than 50 Frites Specials have been developed by Sergio with names such as 'Veggie Alla Norma', 'Arabic Baba & Feta' and 'Sea Nori'. He gains inspiration during his many trips for, among other things, his television program 'Sergio over the border', for which he travels this year to Sardinia and Portugal, among others. But collaborations with international chefs also stimulate culinary creativity.

And do you know what the all-time favorite is in the 8 years of our existence? Yes, the Flemish Beef Stew. With stewed beef in Petrus old brown beer, served with fresh garden cress and pickled mustard seeds.


Frites Special - Flemish Beef Stew
Frites Special - Veggie Alla Norma

Frites Special - Arabic Baba & Feta

Fries Special - Sea Nori

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